Pregnancy, Labour Preparation & Post Partum Care
You're having a baby!
Discovering you're pregnant can be a time of great joy and elation. This feeling can often be tempered by all the typically occurring symptoms that may present in the first trimester like morning sickness, food aversions, fatigue, headaches heartburn and constipation. Chinese medicine treatment may be able to assist women in this first phase of pregnancy.
Second trimester is sometimes referred to as the 'golden time' in pregnancy. Women often reclaim their energy and have an easier time both physically and emotionally. This is an ideal time for self care, bodywork and to become informed about the type of birth you want for you and your baby.
In third trimester the structural changes that occur due to the growing baby and the changes in stability from the release of the hormone relaxin will often place strain on the body. Women often experience pelvic girdle pain, back pain, pubic symphis pain and general discomfort. Keeping the sacrum and pelvis mobile will help ease pain and better prepare the body for an easier birth. Acupuncture and bodywork (including prenatal massage) can help to bring ease during this time.
Labour preparation/induction
Weekly acupuncture treatment from 36 weeks can help prepare the mind and body for the impending birth. As a birth educator, Angela uses these treatment sessions to better inform the birthing mother and equip her with practical birthing skills and knowledge. Deeply nourishing and informing this is an important time for mum and baby to tune in and together prepare for the upcoming birth.
Post Partum​
The first 40 days after birth, referred to as the 4th trimester, is a time of great adjustment and change for every new mother. In traditional Chinese culture and other cultures this postnatal period is seen as an opportunity to support the new mother so that she is better able to care for her baby. Much emphasis is placed on the diet of the mother during this time to replenish her and build her stores for recovery and to supply her baby with nourishment. Chinese herbs and nutritional advice is imperative during this time and acupuncture can help restore women's energy and balance. A postnatal treatment may also include hot oil massage to ease pain and discomfort, acupuncture to restore the nervous system and mother 'warming - a time honoured tradition of burning mugwort to deeply nourish and warm the uterus.